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  1. 個別薬剤療法確立のための分子薬物動態学的研究
  2. 副作用回避のための臨床薬物動態学的研究
  3. 継続可能な医療体制における薬剤師ロールモデルの確立

Personalized medicine became a key issue in creation and proper use of drugs. Efficacy and toxicity of drugs are affected by changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics factors including concomitant medication and pathophysiological state. It is also influenced by genetic variation such as SNPs and epigenetic changes in certain genes. Our research are directed to clarify mechanism(s) of inter and intra-individual variability of efficacy, toxicity and disposition of drug and to improve QOL of patients.

The main research projects are as follows:

  1. Molecular biopharmaceutical study on metabolic enzymes and drug transporters as a molecular determinant of inter and intra-individual variability of drug efficacy, toxicity and disposition
  2. Clinical pharmacokinetic study on monitoring and avoidance of adverse effect of drugs
  3. Development of administration planning for proper use of drug, individualized medicine to improve QOL of patients